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WHDZ companies strengthen technological transformation

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-11-20

Wuhan, in Central China's Hubei province, launched its Three-year Action Plan for Intelligent Transformation of Industrial Enterprises last year, in order to guide industrial enterprises in a new round of technological transformation.

Between January and September this year, the growth rate of Wuhan's industrial technological transformation investment equaled the city's average investment level, and the focus of investment was on leading industrial clusters.

In 2020, Wuhan successively held 20 special events themed around intelligent transformation and upgrading, visited 20 intelligent transformation demonstration factories, and promoted intelligent transformation experiences through both online and offline methods.

This year, the number of enterprise demonstration projects and intelligent transformation projects located in Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) ranks first in Wuhan.

According to WHDZ officials, some 80 percent of the industrial enterprises above a designated scale in the development zone have started transitioning to intelligent manufacturing and production in order to reduce raw material losses, reduce operating costs and improve output efficiency.

So far this year, the development zone helped 55 enterprises to apply for municipal-level industrial technological transformation and intelligent transformation special funds, and financial support will be given at a level of 10 percent of the actual investment in technological transformation.