A Chinese folk instrument performance is held at a reception event on Feb 14. Four performers play four different folk instruments. [Photo provided to en.whkfq.gov.cn]
To celebrate the Lantern Festival, which lies on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) has organized the 2022 Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival Reception for Foreigners, for which a series of spectacular performances were held in the Auto Valley International Sports and Culture Exchange Center on Feb 14.
Some 30 foreign-invested company representatives and foreign experts from Japan, South Korea, France and the United States were invited to the show.
Liu Ziqing, secretary of the zone's working committee, thanked the expatriates, hailing them as both witnesses of and contributors to WEDZ's achievements.
The endeavor that lasts for more than 30 years since 1995 has turned the valley into a modern new city, partly because of the strenuous work and efforts from foreign investors and specialists. The valley is thriving and becoming more open to the world, said Liu, who reportedly hoped that overseas friends can bring more businesses, technologies, capital, and talents to the valley. The government in turn will offer the best services and create the most favorable environment for opportunities to come.
During the celebration, traditional Chinese customs, such as calligraphy, paper-cuttings, clay figures, folk music and dances captured audience's attention and won much applause.
A variety of classic cartoon clay figures are shown at the celebration, allowing visitors to see in person how they are made. [Photo provided to en.whkfq.gov.cn]
As a national development zone, WEDZ has the densest foreign population and is among the most international places in Wuhan. By the end of 2021, the zone had accumulated over 290 foreign-invested enterprises and more than 800 foreign residents.
The zone has pledged to improve its international supporting facilities and related services by building more international communities, hospitals and schools, and holding more internationally influential conventions and exchange activities that will improve the lives of expats.