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Speakers at Wuhan forum map future of media in digital era

By LIU KUN in Wuhan and CHEN MEILING | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2023-10-30

The voice of ordinary individuals should be heard, and grassroots stories should be told to create valuable news content that is able to connect and influence audiences in the digital era, experts said at a high-level forum in Hubei.

"Our stories are not reported only to elites, but also to ordinary people, especially the Generation Z (those born after 1995 and into the 2000s). So besides basic information and data, we should pay attention to the details and stories of the people," said Zhou Baohua, vice-president of the School of Journalism of Fudan University in Shanghai, during the Media Integration and Development Forum 2023 held in Wuhan, Hubei province on Friday.

The idea is echoed by Sun Weimin, chief engineer of Cyberspace Administration of China, at the forum.

"No matter how society develops and how media evolve, only by sticking to good content can a story truly resonate and reach people's hearts," Sun said. "We should dig out stories that connect with grassroots groups, show the extraordinary values of ordinary life and cheer for the positive state of ordinary people."

Government officials, media leaders and communication experts agreed that what remains unchanged during changing times is the real value of stories — stories with a human touch, stories telling a country's unique characteristics, showing its latest development and reflecting the common values of all mankind.

And to better spread those stories, merging with internet is the only path forward for traditional media, as most people learn information from the internet instead of newspapers, magazines, televisions or radios.

Over the past decade, Chinese media accelerated integrated development in terms of institutional mechanisms, policy measures, talents and technologies, said Tang Heng, deputy secretary-general of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

The forum, held by People's Daily and the Wuhan government, expects to promote the development of media integration, constantly improving cultural soft power and promoting Chinese culture, according to Tang.

Tang said while promoting media integration, it's important to use new technology and innovate in linking and serving the people.

By now there are completed 2,591 county-level media convergence centers, and 139 city-level ones are under construction, he said, adding that the department will continue to promote the improvement and efficiency of county-level integrated media centers, and support more regions to promote media convergence.

Yu Shaoliang, editor-in-chief of People's Daily, said the in-depth media integration has ushered in a new round of transformation.

"The interaction and integration of different media forms and smart technologies require us to keep an open mind and rethink the combination of elements such as content, technology, channels, data, users, talents and operation from a strategic perspective," he said. "We need to reconstruct a system that suits production and dissemination of all-media content, build new communication platforms and construct new mainstream media."

Sun Shangwu, deputy editor-in-chief of China Daily, said that media witness the development of the country, showcasing the brilliant modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

"In the new era and on the new journey, we will stay committed to innovation, and accelerate the progress of deepened integration and development. By telling the stories of the new era we are experiencing, we will contribute to the construction of a strong country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," he added.