
Innovation and entrepreneurship drives dvpt in Hohhot

2016-10-10 (chinadaily.com.cn)

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, is developing faster than other league cities in the region, with its ever-growing capacity for innovation and policies supporting business. 

Being the front runner in technological and economic development, the capital city of North China's Inner Mongolia region, has a national level high-tech zone–the Jinshan High-tech Development Zone, an incubator for high-tech enterprises–the Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park of China, eight pilot sites for new businesses in the autonomous region, and 235 research and development institutions. 

Innovation is the inner driving force of the city's development, while entrepreneurship is the external driving force. The city is now a pilot city for energy-saving and the promotion of new energy vehicles. 

Hohhot has introduced policies and initiatives on the use of startup capital, innovation-driven development strategy, the management of high-tech businesses and high-tech incubators to encourage entrepreneurship in the city.


Hohhot, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, is now the front-runner in the region for innovation and entrepreneurship with new businesses and high-tech incubators springing up around the city.[Photo/hhhtnews.com]

The number of patents issued is continuously growing, with the city putting much emphasis on talent recruitment and protecting intellectual property rights. 

Another priority for Hohhot is to build itself into a smart city and it aims to improve the management of the city, and the application of technology in public services. 

With the successful implementation of the policies and initiatives, the College Students Pioneer Park of Xincheng District, Hohhot, now boasts two comprehensive incubators and four professional business incubators. It has attracted 171 enterprises covering areas including cloud computing, e-commerce, cultural innovation, biotechnology and new materials; providing employment for 890 people, including 28 with a doctorate degree, 279 with a master’s degree, and 428 with a bachelor’s degree. The total revenue of the park has so far hit 260 million yuan ($39 million).


The College Students Pioneer Park of Xincheng District, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia autonomous region. [Photo/hhhtnews.com] 

The park will continue to seek development during the current 13th Five-year Plan. It will build a public service platform and a professional technical service platform to further assist startups in the park. Also, road shows will be introduced to broaden the methods of recruiting new and outstanding entrepreneurs to the park.