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Tiger Beach (Laohutan) Ocean Park, Dalian


Tiger Beach (Laohutan) Ocean Park, Dalian

(大连老虎滩海洋公园 dà lián lǎo hǔ tān hǎi yáng gōng yuán)


The outside of Tiger Beach Ocean Park (Laohutan Ocean Park) [Photo/VCG]

Situated in the central part of the southern seashore of Dalian City, the Tiger Beach Ocean Park (Laohutan Ocean Park) is the biggest modern lido in China with a total area of 1.18 square kilometers and a coastline of more than 4,000 meters. In the park, many attractive natural sceneries and magnificent man-made sights can be seen, especially the Tigers Sculpture Square and Tiger Beach Polar Region Marine Animals World. As a modern ocean park, Tiger Beach Ocean Park specializes in tourism, recreation and shopping, and is regarded as the Dalian people's favorite park.

Tigers Sculpture Square 
Covering an area of 15,700 square meters, the square was designed in an irregular shape. Tigers sculpture is the symbol of the Tiger Beach Ocean Park. The sculpted tigers are 35.5-meters-long, 6.5-meters-high and 6.5-meters-wide. Heading eastward, the six tigers are all different shapes and sizes. They roar into the wind expressing their power as the King of Beasts. The Tigers Sculpture Square is the most beautiful and florid among the many squares in Dalian.

Polar Region Marine Animals World
Polar Region Marine Animals World has various marine and polar animals. People can not only see rare polar animals like beluga whales, sea otters and sea elephants but also other animals like cute dolphins, lovely penguins and polar bears. In the 2,000 seat performance hall of the Aquarium, these animal stars give brilliant performances every day such as the gentle beluga kissing people and the dolphins' exuberant acrobatic display.

Scenic Spot Level: AAAAA

Opening Hours: 8:00 to 17:00

Admission Fee: Season Ticket: 220 yuan ($33.16); Tickets sold through the official website: 190 yuan; Free for children under 1.3 meters high.

Recommended Length of Visit: Two or three hours

Tel: +86-411-82689356

Address: No 9 Binhai Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning province

Website: http://www.laohutan.com.cn/ (Chinese)

Online Booking: http://www.laohutan.com.cn/order.asp

Bus Route: 2, 4, 30, 403, 404


Visitors watch the ornamental fishes in the aquarium. [Photo/VCG]


A white whale performs with its trainer. [Photo/VCG]