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Parallel-imported cars enjoy shorter customs clearance in Dalian FTZ

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 2, 2022


[Provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Two parallel imported vehicles from Canada took less than one day from declaration to clearance in the Dalian Area of the Liaoning Free Trade Zone thanks to a one-stop inspection mode.

The mode was innovated by Dayaowan Customs of the Dalian Area which allows parallel imported cars to be freighted to Dalian Port’s automobile terminal for inspection after declaration while the tax payment and inspection reservation are underway at the same time.

Once the inspection is over, the vehicles can be taken directly by dealers, saving them time for paying tax, multi-place inspections and waiting for reports, with the clearance time shortened from 3-4 days to 1-2 days.

Since the beginning of this year, Dayaowan Customs has applied the mode to 136 parallel-imported cars, with the average clearance time reduced more than 50 percent.

The high efficiency will greatly promote the development of parallel imports.