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Jinpu marks a strong start in 2022

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 10, 2022


[Photo by Piao Feng for chinadaily.com.cn]

On March 7, the Jinpu Development and Reform Bureau said that in order to achieve its major economic targets for 2022, Jinpu New Area must strive to promote investment and project construction and accelerate the development of the industrial economy.

In January-February, a total of 2.84 billion yuan ($408 million) in fixed asset investment was completed. The industrial output value above designated size reached 57.78 billion yuan.

A total of 288 projects have opened or resumed in Jinpu, including 43 new projects. The operating rate of new projects to be started in Q1 was 69.4 percent.

There are 214 projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan that are resuming, completing 52.7 percent of their annual target tasks.