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Three factories from Jinpu New Area selected as national-level 5G factories

Updated: December 21, 2023

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the "2023 5G Factory Directory" on November 17, with a total of eight factories from Liaoning province making the list. Among them, four factories from Dalian are selected, of which three are from Jinpu New Area, namely Ansteel ThyssenKrupp Automotive 5G Factory, Dalian Iceberg Jiade Automation 5G Factory and Dalian Container Terminal 5G Smart Port.


[Photo by Piao Feng]

A 5G factory refers to an advanced manufacturing facility that fully utilizes integration of new-generation information and communication technologies, represented by 5G. It constructs or upgrades production sites at the level of production lines, workshops, and factories based on new industrial internet infrastructure, so as to widely connect production units, deeply integrate information technology and operational technology, and fully utilize data elements and innovative applications.