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Jinpu vows to further improve business environment

Updated: April 2, 2024


[Photo by Li Chunyi]

On February 22, the Jinpu New Area convened a conference aimed at enhancing its business environment, unveiling various services and strategies to foster a conducive environment for business growth and innovation, covering the entire lifecycle development of industrial projects.

To unlock the economic potential of its land resources, Jinpu New Area introduced initiatives focused on project land management. They include streamlining processes to enhance internal auditing platforms, facilitating standardized land transfers, and expediting project construction timelines. By simplifying regulations and introducing innovative land management practices, the district aims to revitalize dormant land parcels, creating numerous economic opportunities.

Project construction was another primary focus, in which Jinpu New Area will prioritize the enhancement of government services, including expediting approval processes, accelerating project timelines, improving infrastructure facilities, assisting corporations in overcoming challenges, elevating urban living standards, and refining urban management practices.

Additionally, further initiatives aim to alleviate burdens on enterprises, reduce costs, and accelerate the transformation of urban villages, revitalizing the old city area of Jinzhou district within the next 3 to 5 years.

Recognizing the crucial role of financial services in driving economic growth, Jinpu New Area unveiled plans to strengthen its financial ecosystem. Key initiatives include introducing high-quality financial resources and ramping up support for technological innovation and equipment manufacturing industries. This will be achieved through activities such as organizing road shows for major projects and hosting financing matchmaking meetings designed to inject vitality into the real economy.

Furthermore, Jinpu New Area is dedicated to facilitating the development of enterprise listings by providing financial support and a full service package. Additionally, efforts will be made to maximize the role of first loans and renewal loans to address challenges such as initial loan and financing turnover costs for enterprises.

In terms of talent acquisition and retention, Jinpu New Area has introduced innovative measures to assist both enterprises and individuals. One notable initiative is the establishment of a talent pool, offering 20 comprehensive services. Particularly noteworthy is the introduction of a one-stop service for high-level talents, marking the launch of Northeast China's first integrated platform dedicated to such professionals.

Additionally, Jinpu New Area plans to provide 300 talent apartments annually for housing support. Moreover, a digital arbitration platform streamlines labor dispute resolution processes. Shared facilities like training rooms and VIP reception areas are also available for public human resources services.

Meanwhile, Jinpu New Area strengthens talent recruitment, training programs, employment guidance, and job search assistance for college graduates.

In the realm of legal services, the local court will implement various measures to optimize the litigation service system, promote compliance reform, deepen the management of litigation sources, resolve administrative disputes, and strengthen innovation protection. These efforts aim to provide robust judicial services and safeguards for Jinpu New Area's development.