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"Summer in Dalian" talent show gathers global youth in Jinpu

Updated: May 14, 2024


[Photo/Li Chunyi]

On May 6, the Talent Show of Young Ambassadors for International People-to-People Exchange & the Countdown Event to the International School Sport Federation Football World Cup, themed "Summer in Dalian", took place at the Dalian Development Area Grand Theatre, in Jinpu New Area. A total of 660 young ambassadors from 15 Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and from countries such as the UK, Russia, and South Africa participated in the event.

This event was jointly hosted by the Office of the Organizing Committee of ISF Football World Cup 2024 and the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange of the Ministry of Education. It was organized by the Organizing Committee of Dalian Jinpu New Area, the Dalian Education Bureau and Beijing Joy Education International Science and Technology Co Ltd.

At the event, young ambassadors from various regions, schools, and grades showcased a diverse range of performances. They presented poetry recitations, graceful dances, impressive martial arts displays, and energetic cheerleading, captivating the audience and showcasing their vibrant spirit.