
2nd energy conference inaugurated in Ordos

Updated: 2019-08-12 Print

The second Inner Mongolia International Energy Conference opened in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, August 10th.


Natural gas pipelines in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region [Photo/nmgnews.com.cn] 

With the theme of “Exploring the new path of high-quality energy development with ecological priority and green development as the guide”, the three-day conference was divided into three subforums to discuss modern energy development in Inner Mongolia. 

Topics discussed during the conference include the reform, upgrading and promotion of traditional green energy, the cultivation of new energy to foster new growth points, and the construction of a modern energy economic experimental zone and a comprehensive regulation demonstration zone.

The conference invited more than 300 guests, including internationally renowned scholars and scientists, diplomatic envoys in China, heads of international organizations, and representatives from various energy research institutes and universities. 

Bu Xiaolin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.

Bu stressed the important role of Inner Mongolia in the development of a modern energy economy and urged the region to upgrade its business environment. 


Bu Xiaolin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, attends the opening ceremony of the second Inner Mongolia International Energy Conference in Ordos on Aug 10. [Photo/nmgnews.com.cn]

On his second visit to Inner Mongolia, Novoselov spoke highly of the conference, saying that the event was significant to the field of modern energy which is vital to human survival.

“I am happy to meet engineers, physicists and scientists from around the globe and discuss with them the latest issues in the global development of energy,” he said. 

When it came to the current energy development situation in Inner Mongolia, Novoselov said that the region had made remarkable achievements, and that the prospects for clean energy in the region were promising.


Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the second Inner Mongolia International Energy Conference in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region on August 10. [Photo/nmgnews.com.cn] 
