Home>New quality productive forces elevate Ordos’ development


Updated: 2024-05-13 (chinadaily.com.cn) Print

The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of 2023 emphasized the need to promote industrial innovation through technological innovation, especially by fostering new industries, new models, and new momentum with disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, thus creating new quality productive forces.

Facing new tasks and requirements, the city of Ordos has proposed that it "persist in transforming traditional industries to enhance the competitiveness of the industrial system" and "persist in fostering new industries through science and technology innovation to enhance the driving force of innovation and development", both of which will vigorously promote new quality productive forces.

In doing so, a series of policies and measures have been implemented in Ordos and its efforts have paid off. The city's high-quality development now serves as a vivid interpretation of new quality productive forces.
