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Jining honors foreigners with friendship award | Updated: March 22, 2019


The municipal government of Jining city, Shandong province, confers honorary titles to ten foreigners at an awards ceremony on March 18. [Photo from Wechat account jiningfabu]

The municipal government of Jining city, Shandong province, conferred honorary titles to ten foreigners for their contributions to the development of the city at an awards ceremony on March 18.

The honorary titles, namely the Jining Honorary Citizenship and Friendship Ambassador, are designed for foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to Jining city in areas such as economic and social development, cultural construction, international exchanges and social welfare undertakings.

"The award will encourage me to do better in my future career," said Raj, an honored foreigner. He also expressed gratitude to the municipal government.

"I have seen great changes in Jining city during my time here and I will help to introduce more foreign companies to the city," said Manasseh, one of the honorary citizenship recipients.

According to Ren Qinghu, deputy mayor of Jining city, at present, nearly 500 foreign friends have long worked and lived in Jining city. They are active in various fields such as economy, science and technology, education and culture, and have become an important driving force for the economic and social development of the city.

Since the city launched the honorary titles for foreigners in 1993, 50 people have earned the honors. They have played an important role in promoting foreign exchanges and cooperation in the city.