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Cultural ruins in Jining to tell story of Grand Canal| Updated: November 3, 2020


The Jining municipal government holds a press conference to begin collecting cultural resources related to the Grand Canal for the book The Grand Canal in Jining on Nov 3. [Photo/official WeChat account of the information office of the Jining municipal government]

The Jining municipal government has launched an information and photography collection event to support the publishing of a book about the Grand Canal entitled The Grand Canal in Jining, according to a press conference held on Nov 3.

Jining is home to a section of the Grand Canal and 11 World Heritage sites. The Nanwang water diversion, the most advanced water project on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the transport administration in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1271-1911) of the Grand Canal, are both located in the city.

The collection event will be carried out in Rencheng district, Weishan county, Wenshang county, and Liangshan county in Jining from Nov 2 to 7.

It is themed around the Grand Canal, along with the city, lakes, harbors, and people.

Well-known photographers and writers will be invited to record the event, and a book about it will be published afterward.