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Jining makes new breakthroughs in economic and social development (I)| Updated: December 17, 2020

Coordinated development


[Photo/Dazhong Daily]

Since 2018, the city has invested 7.28 billion yuan ($1.1 billion) in infrastructure, and now has 327.4 kilometers of expressways. The "2322" demonstration project for rural vitalization was launched, focusing on the construction of two canal culture belts and the Sihe River ecological zone, three zones of the Nishan area, the Weishan Island area and the Yellow River beach area. The project includes 20 demonstration towns and 200 demonstration villages, and has carried out improvements of the towns images and seven rural renewal changes in rural areas.

Green development


[Photo/Dazhong Daily]

Compared with 2018, Jining's PM2.5 readings improved by 2.9 percent in the autumn and winter of 2019. It is one of the three cities of "2+26" channel cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster that have achieved their targets. By March 31, 2020, the city's PM2.5 value is 74 micrograms per cubic meter, an improvement of 5.1 percent over the previous year, with 56 days with fairly good air quality and the proportion of these days reaching 61.5 percent

A system of river chiefs and lake chiefs was established across the city. All 18 Control Measures of State-controlled Sections met the national assessment requirements. Since 2018, around 5,267 hectares of coal mining subsidence, 13,600 hectares of wetlands and 13,200 hectares of soil erosion regions have been restored. There are 37 rectification tasks as a result of feedback from inspections on ecological and environmental protection, 24 of which have been completed and 13 are being rectified.

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