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Jining holds online talks with Daegu's Suseong district| Updated: April 16, 2021

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Jining in East China's Shandong province hosts an online meeting with Suseong district in Daegu, South Korea. [Photo/WeChat account: sdwsbwx]

Jining, a city in East China's Shandong province, recently held an online meeting with Suseong district in Daegu, South Korea to boost cooperation.

At the meeting, the two sides first played promotional videos of their respective cities and talked about their tourism attractions.

Officials from the two sides delivered speeches on cooperation in cultural tourism, business, education, and medical care, reaching some preliminary agreements.

They also held discussions on exchange and cooperation programs under the framework of the China-South Korea Cultural Exchange Year and the 15th anniversary of the establishment of friendly relations next year.

Suseong district in Daegu is Jining's first South Korean sister city. The two sides have conducted extensive exchanges in culture, art, education, adolescent development, and other fields since first establishing friendly ties.

The meeting was meant to strengthen sister city exchanges amid the global pandemic, said Jining officials, who added that the city will launch more online activities to boost international exchanges.