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​Jining celebrates International Children's Day| Updated: June 2, 2021

Many government departments and social organizations in Jining, East China's Shandong province organized a variety of activities on June 1 to celebrate International Children's Day.

The Jining bureau of civil affairs and local Party organizations visited the city's Children Welfare Home, where they gave cakes and presents to children.

Before the holiday, Yanzhou district in Jining opened its 14th "Cottage of Hope," which is a public place equipped with furniture and school supplies for children that are in distress to study.

A "classroom of the future," funded by the Chinese Red Cross Foundation, was also finished at Xingtan Primary School in Qufu, which is expected to improve school facilities for rural students. In addition, online and offline training programs are being provided to teachers in an effort to bolster the development of rural education, according to Kong Fanliang, principal of the school.

In Wenshang county, a total of 58 work stations have been built to protect minors. The local government has procured 32 types of services from six charities or social organizations. Volunteers, including retired teachers, have organized various activities, such as games, psychological counseling, law popularization campaigns, and lectures on self-defense, to help protect children from school bullying, human trafficking, sexual assault, as well as other dangers.

Wenshang will procure more services of this kind and ask for professionals to provide personalized help to children and families that are in need, said Liu Haiwei, director of the county's bureau of civil affairs.