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Jining offers services to students taking college entrance exam| Updated: June 7, 2021


Students enter an exam site in Jining, East China's Shandong province to take this year's National College Entrance Examination. [Photo/]

Multiple sectors of society in Jining, East China's Shandong province are making efforts to offer convenience to students that are taking this year's National College Entrance Examination.

A total of more than 47,000 students in the city will take the exam, which will be held from June 7 to 8, local media outlets reported.

The city's administrations for market regulation have set up special work groups to inspect sanitary conditions and food quality in restaurants, as well as other catering services providers around exam sites.

Many local bus companies, taxi companies, and volunteers have launched a "Green Ribbon" campaign together to give students a ride during the two-day exam period. Students with admission tickets can take any vehicles with green ribbons tied to their back mirrors for free.

Examinees can also make a reservation for a taxi, said Ni Yongshun, a taxi driver at Qufu Ruyun Taxi Co, which is participating in the campaign.

The Jining Meteorological Bureau warned that the temperatures on June 7 and 8 could be as high as 35 C, as well as reminded students to take measures for heatstroke prevention.