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Fishing festival sets to cast rods on Taibai Lake| Updated: December 31, 2021

The seventh Taibai Lake Fishing Festival will kick off in Jining, East China's Shandong province on Jan 1, 2022 to welcome the New Year.

The festival is held on the first day of the year to express the Chinese New Year wish of "nian nian you yu", which means "there will always be some surplus year after year" due to the fact that the Chinese words for fish and surplus are homophonic.

A variety of activities including catching fish, fish auction, and colorful cultural performances will be held to offer locals and tourists a uniquely festive experience.

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The first catch of the festival at the previous year's event. An auction for the first catch of the festival is a tradition at the event and many people take part in the auction to bring good luck in the new year. [Photo/Official WeChat account of Taibai Lake scenic area]

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A performer dressed in the costume of "caishen", or the Chinese God of Wealth, gives out fish, coin-shaped chocolates, and Spring Festival couplets to tourists during a previous Taibai Lake Fishing Festival. [Photo/Official WeChat account of Taibai Lake scenic area]

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Fresh fish from Taibai Lake are sold during the festival, attracting many buyers for its springy texture and rich nutrients. [Photo/Official WeChat account of Taibai Lake scenic area]


Tourists are treated to free fish soup and other fish cuisines during a previous event. [Photo/Official WeChat account of Taibai Lake scenic area]