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Celebrate Spring Festival with Jining's online event| Updated: January 24, 2022


A poster for the cloud celebration of the upcoming Spring Festival in Jining [Photo/WeChat account: jnwhlyj]

A cloud celebration of the upcoming Spring Festival in Jining is projected to be launched on major domestic and foreign media platforms on Jan 25.

The event is sponsored by the Jining bureau of culture and tourism and will offer online interaction experiences and promotions in Chinese, English, Japanese and South Korean through multimedia techniques such as H5, allowing people from around the globe to enjoy the festive atmosphere in Jining.

The event consists of three parts – Spring Festival celebrations, Liuyi (Six Arts) experience and an online tour of Jining.

The Spring Festival celebrations will introduce the special local folk customs that are carried out during the Chinese New Year holiday. The Liuyi (Six Arts) experience will enable both Chinese and foreigners to learn about the Six Arts, which are rites, music, archery, chariotry, calligraphy, and mathematics, through online games and quizzes. The online tour will showcase Jining's profound culture and charming scenery through videos and photos.

The event will be launched simultaneously on WeChat, Douyin, Facebook, Instagram and other popular domestic and overseas social media platforms to meet the diverse demands of participants in different countries.

Jining is regarded as an important cradle of Chinese culture for being the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, who are both well-known ancient Chinese philosophers.

It is home to two UNESCO world cultural heritage sites - The Three Confucian Sites (the Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion) and the Jining section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

There are also 41 cultural relics under State-protection and 19 national intangible cultural heritage items in the city.

In recent years, the Jining culture and tourism bureau has organized a series of promotional activities with the theme "Find Chinese Culture in Jining" for overseas tourists to learn more about the city's profound culture and stunning landscape.

Three tailored routes – tour to Confucius' hometown, study trip on Confucian classics and leisure tour along Grand Canal – for overseas tourists were launched in late 2021.