
Take a tour to Taierzhuang ancient town

( 2019-07-17

Taierzhuang ancient town, located nearby the Grand Canal Zaozhuang section, is a popular tourist site with more than 2,000 years of history.

The town, located in the transitional zone between North and South China, was regarded in ancient times as the traffic hub connecting goods transported both on rivers and roads at the Grand Canal, which was named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2014.

The prosperous water town is home to traditional pavilions, pagodas and towers, offering wonderful views for visitors and shutterbugs.

Taierzhuang ancient town offers a refreshing view in the summertime with green lands, blue skies and a clear canal. [Photo/WeChat account: zaozhuanglvyou5798]

It's quite popular among visitors to take a cruise along the ancient Grand Canal after sunset in Taierzhuang ancient town. [Photo/WeChat account: zaozhuanglvyou5798]

Taierzhuang ancient town offers foodies a choice of various snacks and specialties. [Photo/WeChat account: zaozhuanglvyou5798]

An aerial view of Taierzhuang ancient town in Zaozhuang, Shandong province. Surrounded by the waterway of the time-honored Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the two-square-kilometer town is the only remaining ancient town well preserved along the canal. [Photo/WeChat account: zaozhuanglvyou5798]

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