
Shandong, Japan to enhance cooperation in culture and tourism

( 2020-08-27

The province of Shandong held an online event on Aug 26 in Jinan, the provincial capital, to promote its cultural and tourism products to Japanese tourists.

The online promotional event also set up two venues in Tokyo and Osaka, during which two travelling routes tailored to Japanese tourists, as well as five cultural tourism investment projects, were highlighted.


Wang Lei, director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, delivers a speech at the event. [Photo/WeChat account: sdswltwx]

In her speech, Wang Lei, director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that China and Japan are close neighbors separated by only a strip of water, while Shandong and Japan face each other from across the sea. Wang said that Shandong and Japan have a long history of cooperation.

She noted that Shandong attaches great importance to the development of its cultural and tourism industry and hope to attract more investment in the industry.

Wang expressed her hope that cultural and tourism cooperation with Japan will be strengthened.

Nakajima Hirokazu, director of the Tourism Bureau of Wakayama Prefecture, said that over the past 35 years, ever since Wakayama and Shandong first established friendly relations, the two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in tourism, culture, economy, talent exchange, and other fields, achieving fruitful results.

He expressed hope that two-way promotional activities would enhance tourist exchanges between the two sides.


Shandong's unique tourism attractions are promoted at the event. [Photo/WeChat account: sdswltwx]

In his video message, Igawahara Masaru, consul general of the Japanese Consulate General in Qingdao, said that Shandong occupies an important page in the long history of Japan-China exchange.

He said that mutual assistance between Shandong and Japan will provide strong support for future cooperation between the two sides.

He expressed hope that participants of this event will contribute more wisdom and strength to cultural and tourism cooperation between the two sides.

During the promotional event, Shandong tourism enterprises and their counterparts in Kansai signed agreements to further cooperation. The Shandong Museum and the Hagi Uragami Museum in Japan also signed an agreement to further strengthen cooperation in archaeological excavation, the preservation of cultural relics, and academic research.