
Colorful intangible cultural heritages along Yellow River

( 2022-01-21

5. Shanghe Guzi Yanko Dance in Jinan


Dancers in traditional Chinese clothing perform the Guzi Yanko Dance. [Photo/WeChat account: sdswltwx]

The Guzi Yanko Dance originated during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in Shanghe county and became popular in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It prevailed as a popular dance for hundreds of years throughout the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The Guzi Yanko Dance is also known as Paoyangge, and is symbolic of the local sacrifices during the Spring Festival. 

6. Folk papercutting in Binzhou


Binzhou folk papercutting becomes a national intangible cultural heritage in 2018. [Photo/WeChat account: sdswltwx]

Binzhou folk papercutting has a long history with a wide range of themes, rich content and diverse forms. It is a celebration of traditional Chinese culture and art. Over years of development, it has been developed into a distinctive art form in Qilu culture.

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