
Live your ideal life

chinadaily.com.cn Updated:2017-12-18

The Ideal Home Show, the first one in China, took place at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center from Dec 14 to 17.

More than 2,000 products of 300 brands from over 20 countries, such as Libratone from Denmark, Baileys Home and Garden from the UK, and Habitat from France, gathered to display an ideal home and show development trends of smart homes.

A three-story ideal house was constructed at the exhibition with three bedrooms, two living rooms and one kitchen decorated with home furnishings from exhibitors so as to create an immersive experience for visitors.

The show consists of six parts: interiors and decorative arts, ideal technology, international food and drink, ideal home renovation, ideal fashion and beauty, as well as the modern family.

Over 50 guests from entertainment, home furnishings, and fashion industries were invited to share their life wisdom, including Willie Harcourt-Cooze, a chocolate artist, Lisbeth Larsen, a master of color matching in home decoration, and Markovic Neobojsa, an authority on how to live a green and healthy life.

New products featuring smart homes also made debuts at the show, such as a customized intelligent light system from Philips, an electric kettle from Balmuda, and an intelligent bath system from Kohler.

The Ideal Home Show originated in the UK. Founded in 1908 by the Daily Mail, the show has attracted over 70 million visitors and always been popular among the Royal Family and celebrities.


The Ideal Home Show is inaugurated at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center on Dec 14. [Photo/ 163.com]

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