
Laogang endeavors to develop high-tech agriculture

chinadaily Updated:2017-12-26

Laogang Town, southeast of Pudong New Area, recently signed a collaborative agreement with several universities to work together in upgrading the industries by establishing the base of scientific research, according to a news report of Pudong, Shanghai website dated Dec 25.

Meanwhile, Laogang Tourism Development Company was also set up, which is dedicated to promoting Laogang tourism.

According to a three-year plan, the new company will apply high technologies to boost the quality of agriculture and tourism of Laogang.

The tourism company will also build the tourism spot along Hunan Road and Dazhi River to provide a leisurely spot for the tourists, introduce folk culture and educate tourists on agricultural science and technologies.

Laogang Town has hired experts from various research institutes, such as Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Ocean University to provide suggestions on how to develop the agriculture of Laogang Town.

Previously, Laogang tried to cooperate with top universities, which was a success. For example, Laogang Dahe Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative cooperated with Shanghai Ocean University to create a scientific system and strict standards of processing pickled cabbage.

Meanwhile, Laogang Town will join hands with research institutes such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences to cultivate talents in the field of agriculture and tourism, enhance the quality of agricultural products and increase the competitiveness of enterprises.

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Experts are doing reserach on how to yield high-quality agricultural products. [Photo/ WeChat:Pudong Fabu]

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