
Pudong spares no effort in pushing forward technological innovation

chinadaily.com.cn Updated:2017-12-26

Pudong recently launched an action plan aiming to develop Pudong New Area into a globally influential technology innovation center by 2020, according to a news report published on Pudong website on Dec 26.

Pudong has been developing drastically in the field of technological innovations and its innovative environment has assisted many entrepreneurs to start up new companies and make innovations.

Du Ying, CEO of Zai Lab, has set up Hutchison Pharmaceuticals Company in Zhangjiang and established long-term cooperative relations with several cross-national medicine giants. The value of the company has exceeded 10 billion yuan ($ 1.5 billion).

Moreover, Smart Megasonix Technologies, which were established by Wang Hui, has been listed into National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations, one of the world's biggest bond exchanges.

This year, nine more enterprises have been established in Zhangjiang, making the total amount of enterprises over 45. The area covers integrated circuits, biological medicine and cultural innovation.

Pudong has taken a few measures to facilitate the import, thus the companies can cooperate more conveniently with international companies. For example, the procedures of introducing biological materials have been simplified so that scientific research can be conducted more smoothly.

According to Bai Zhanghong, head of Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, China is now one of the three countries owning state-of-the-art research centers of biological medicine. China should work according to the highest international standards in order to play a leading role in international cooperation.

Meanwhile, supplementary living facilities have been ameliorated and many incubators have been created in order for the enterprises to make further innovations.

Zhangjiang has also joined hands with top experts from Israel, Singapore, United States, Germany, Russia to set up a platform of innovation and has introduced technologies such as PLUG&PLAY and Microsoft Azure.

According to the plan, Pudong will focus its efforts on areas of Zhangjiang and Lingang, build a globally renowned base of scientific research and do everything possible to create a better environment for scientific innovation.

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Hutchison Pharmaceuticals Company in Zhangjiang. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

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