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Listed companies cluster in Pudong Updated: 2023-01-19

In 2022, there were a total of 21 companies newly listed in Pudong, accounting for 43 percent of the city's total. The enterprises are mainly from biopharmaceutical, integrated circuit and new materials sectors.

Among the 21 enterprises, 12 were listed on the Sci-Tech innovation board, 63 percent of the city's total.

Enterprises listed on the Sci-Tec innovation board are innovatively scientific and technological, and can help promote the development of industrial clusters. The 12 enterprises, which were listed on the Sci-Tec innovation board, consisted of eight enterprises from the pharmaceutical field and four from the integrated circuit field.

As of Dec 31, 2022, Pudong boasted a total of 228 listed companies, a third of the city's total. Rooted in Pudong, the companies have played a leading role in boosting the district's economy.

To help more enterprises go public, Pudong continues to promote reform and innovation for listing services. Since the beginning of 2022, Pudong has piloted the use of credit reports, and has issued the reports to more than 300 enterprises online.