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Cement plant to become modern landmark in Zhangjiang Updated: 2023-07-21

The 6.7-billion-yuan ($9.32 billion) project to transform the Zhangjiang cement plant into an industrial park recently commenced.

Located within the Golden Middle Ring Development Belt in Pudong New Area, the  new development will feature various industries, diverse architecture, and shared cultural experiences.

Several historical industrial buildings will be preserved, while new facilities for culture, sporting services, and creative commerce will be built.

The design of the site was conceived by 11 international renowned architects, including Tadao Ando, Jacques Ferrier, and Ma Yansong. The new development will include a 100-meter research and development center, two 70-meter laboratories and about 20 buildings that will serve as the R&D headquarters for bio-medicine and digital economy companies.

The project, which is scheduled for completion in 2027, is expected to become a new landmark that injects new momentum into Zhangjiang's industrial and innovative development.


A structure designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando for the transformation of the Zhangjiang cement plant. [Photo/WeChat account of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone]


A structure designed by Beijing architect Ma Yansong for the transformation of the Zhangjiang cement plant. [Photo/WeChat account of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone]