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Belarus seeks further cooperation with Shanghai Updated: 2018-09-28


A delegation from the Republic of Belarus recently promotes its investment environment and the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone in Zhangjiang Science City, Shanghai, in the hope of strengthening mutual cooperation. [Photo/WeChat account: zhangjiangfabu]

A delegation from the Republic of Belarus recently promoted its investment environment and the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone in Zhangjiang Science City, Shanghai, in the hope of strengthening mutual cooperation.

Valery Matsel, consul general of Belarus in Shanghai, said that Shanghai, a significant economic and cultural center in China, has built a good partnership with Minsk, the capital city of Belarus.

He hoped that Shanghai's enterprises can gain a better understanding of the country and the industrial park via the promotion activity.

Xie Wenlan, secretary general of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, said that they have been attaching great importance to technological cooperation between the two sides. 

A technological cooperation agreement was signed during the event, encouraging exchanges between young Chinese and Belarusian scientists and joint efforts in lab construction and technology transfer.

The Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone, covering 112 square kilometers, is located in the east of Minsk and is key to Chinese-Belarusian economic and trade cooperation.

The park focuses on the machine manufacturing, electronics, fine chemical engineering, new materials, biotechnology, big data storage and processing, and cultural creative industries.

It enjoys preferential land and taxation policies. For example, as part of the policies, land can be rented for 99 years or bought to be privately-owned. Additionally,  land tax and real estate tax are exempted, and import tariff and corporate income tax are exempted for a decade.


Valery Matsel, consul general of Belarus in Shanghai, speaks at a promotion event in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. [Photo/WeChat account: zhangjiangfabu]


Xie Wenlan, secretary general of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, speaks at a promotion event in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. [Photo/WeChat account: zhangjiangfabu]