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Shanghai business school ranks 5th in global EMBA programs Updated: 2018-10-18

The Shanghai-based China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) took fifth place in the Executive MBA Rankings for 2018 released by the Financial Times on Oct 15.

This annual ranking of global Executive MBA (EMBA) programs is well respected and highly anticipated by business schools around the world as it is seen as a valuable benchmark of their performance.

It is compiled based on surveys of the career development of graduates who have been graduated for over three years, the internationalization and diversity of courses, and the academic research ability of business schools. For the first time this year, corporate social responsibility (CSR) was also taken into account, which considered to what extent the courses focus on CSR; namely, ethical, social and environmental issues.

CEIBS' EMBA programs stood out in all the evaluation indexes, particularly those concerning its graduates' salary levels, salary growth, career development, as well as the quality of courses available overseas.

The proportion of overseas students in its programs has reached 51 percent. The programs has more than 70 teachers who are renowned professors from 18 countries and regions, 72 percent of whom are from overseas.

Politicians such as former French Prime Ministers Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Dominique de Villepin have also been invited as specially-appointed professors.

The programs has opened overseas courses in eight countries and regions, including Spain, Switzerland, Ghana, India, Israel, Southeast Asia, Brazil, and the United States, to help its students gain a broader horizon and an international vision.

CEIBS, a joint venture for management education, was co-founded by the Chinese government and European Union in 1994. Its MBA program won 8th place in a global MBA program ranking of Financial Times this January. It has become the only business school in Asia to enter the top 10 of two such global rankings.

Shanghai saw another of its universities also in the top 10, with Jiao Tong University making number 8 in the ranking.


The Shanghai-based China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) takes fifth place in the Executive MBA Rankings for 2018 released by the Financial Times on Oct 15. [Photo/]