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Key policies of Shanghai FTZ launched in 2018 – Part 2 Updated: 2019-01-22

2018-11: Notice of the State Council on Several Measures to Support Deepening Reform and Innovation in the Pilot Free Trade Zone

The measures will further create a good investment environment, improve the level of trade facilitation, promote financial innovation to serve the real economy and promote pilot projects in the field of human resources.

The specific measures include supporting the implementation of bonded supervision of aviation maintenance formats outside the special customs supervision area, supporting the establishment of ports of first imported drugs and biological products, allowing banks to substitute paper trading vouchers issued by the pilot free trade zone exchanges for bilateral trade contracts as a basis for verifying the authenticity of trade, allowing banks in the free trade zone to handle RMB derivative products for overseas institutions as required, encourage and support banks to issue RMB loans to overseas institutions and overseas projects based on real needs and prudence principles, supporting qualified individuals in the free trade zone to conduct overseas securities investment in accordance with regulations, and supporting the piloting of intellectual property securitization in conditional pilot free trade zones.

2018-11: Several Measures for Further Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing Industry in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone announced the establishment of a financial leasing industry development service center (platform) and issued a number of measures to further promote the development of the financial leasing industry, including supporting the establishment and development of financial leasing companies, optimizing the environment for innovation and development of the financial leasing industry, increasing policy support for financial leasing enterprises and personnel, supporting financial leasing enterprises to serve the real economy, improving the business environment level of the financial leasing industry, and innovating the government service model.

It will increase policy support for the development of the bonded regional key project company (SPV) and will give certain rewards to the professional subsidiaries that carry out aviation, shipping and key equipment financing leasing projects during the operation of the project.

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