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2018, a bumper year for Shanghai FTZ Updated: 2019-03-06


The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. [Photo/IC]

Nearly 1,300 new foreign-funded enterprises set up in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in 2018, accounting for 18.2 percent of such companies in Shanghai, up from 5.2 percent before Shanghai FTZ's establishment.

Its foreign investment reached $6.77 billion last year, 39.13 percent of that of Shanghai.

The State Council issued the Shanghai FTZ's deepening reform and opening-up plan in March 2017, which explicitly presented 98 main reform tasks and highlighted how to strengthen systemic reform.

By the end of 2018, the Shanghai FTZ had finished all 96 tasks, reaching the anticipated goal of accomplishing the three-year-task within two years.

The output value of above-scale industries in 2018 in Shanghai FTZ totaled 496.5 billion yuan in 2018, accounting for 48.2 percent of that of Pudong and 14.3 percent of that of Shanghai. 

Its foreign trade import and export value reached 1.46 trillion yuan, making up 70.9 percent of that of Pudong and 42.8 percent of that of Shanghai.

In 2018, about 7,200 new enterprises were founded  in Shanghai FTZ. All newly established enterprises totaled 58,800. The enterprises of the Shanghai FTZ added up to 88,500, 31.1 percent of the total in Pudong.

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