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Zhangjiang: a hot spot for startups Updated: 2019-04-01

Zhangjiang is also a core area in the integrated circuit (IC) industry and has gathered a number of internationally renowned integrated circuit companies. Six of the world's top 10 chip design companies have set up regional headquarters or R&D centers in Zhangjiang. Also, three of China's top 10 chip design companies have landed their headquarters there.

In the biopharmaceutical field, Zhangjiang has formed a complete innovation chain for new drug research and development, drug screening, clinical research, registration certification, and mass production. Among the world top 10 pharmaceutical companies, seven have set up regional headquarters and R&D centers in Zhangjiang.

Local government conducts business according to the rules, whether administrative businesses or taxation, said Gu, adding that this gives companies confidence that the government hopes to help them grow and develop.

Transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements

In recent years, Shanghai has attached great importance to the construction of platforms for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, especially in Zhangjiang. In January 2018, a manufacturing and innovation center for the IC industry was established, aiming to provide technical support and services for Chinese leading chip manufacturers.

Last October, the Shanghai Center of Biomedicine Development was established, with the aim of committing to bring together innovative companies and promote the development of the industry by new drug R&D and breakthroughs in key technologies.

Meanwhile, incubators in Zhangjiang have also explored new development paths to facilitate startups by combining technical know-how and talents in multinational companies and the market resources and capital funds of local enterprises. To date, they have forged close partnerships with over 20 multinational companies and overseas institutes.


An International Technology Transfer Center is inaugurated in Shanghai, on Sept 21, 2018. [Photo/]

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