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Lujiazui Financial City showcases fintech development

Updated: 2019-11-25


Lujiazui Financial City [Photo/VCG]

Lujiazui Financial City held a fintech show on Nov 20, gathering more than 10 fintech companies to showcase their financial management technical products.

Lujiazui Financial City, which released supporting policies to develop financial technologies in 2014, has now cultivated a number of well-performing fintech firms. It is on the forefront of cutting-edge technologies in the global fintech industry.

The 10 fintech products were selected from nearly 100 entries that previously signed up for the contest.

Xue Yingping, president of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone, said that the show was meant to offer a platform to fintech companies to demonstrate their latest technologies and to discover outstanding enterprises in Lujiazui to lead the development of Lujiazui's fintech industry. 

The show was part of the first financial sci-tech season event held in Lujiazui Financial City. The event, sponsored by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone, brought together a number of fintech institutes and technical companies. 

During the event, a variety of activities themed on financial technologies were held. 

Lujiazui Financial City has been focusing on promoting the development of its fintech industry. Moving forward, Lujiazui will push forward the application of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing technologies in the financial industry, with the aim of building a top fintech ecosystem in the world.