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Lin-gang introduces terahertz research laboratory

Updated: 2019-12-03

An agreement was signed on the establishment of the Terahertz Innovation Platform, a terahertz research laboratory, in the Lin-gang Software Park in Lin-gang Special Area on Nov 28. The signing ceremony also marked the start of a new research project.

The ceremony was chaired by Yao Jun, dean of the Shanghai Zhu Guangya Strategic Technology Institute, and attended by Zhang Quan, director of the Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology, Chen Jie, deputy Party secretary of the management committee of the Lin-gang Special Area, Lai Xinchun, vice-dean of the China Academy of Engineering Physics, Tang Li, an academic at the Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, and a number of other scholars and entrepreneurs.

The laboratory was co-built by Shanghai Engineering Physics High-Tech Industrial Development Co Ltd, the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, the Shanghai Academy of Sciences, the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute.

During the signing ceremony, discussions were held on the laboratory's future development.

Participants decided that the laboratory would become a world-class center for the research and development of terahertz components and chips.

Before the ceremony, attendees visited the research center to learn more about terahertz research. 

Terahertz is a unit of frequency, and terahertz technology is among the most cutting-edge in the world. It can be applied in areas such as national defense and medicine. 

Terahertz technology has been listed among the top 10 world-changing technologies by the United States, and it is regarded as essential to the development of 6G communications.