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National exhibition pavilion of Timor Leste launched in Shanghai FTZ Updated: 2019-12-20


Visitors browse exhibits at the national exhibition pavilion of Timor Leste, which is located in the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone and was launched on Dec 18. [Photo/WeChat account: pdnews]

The national exhibition pavilion of Timor Leste was officially launched in the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in Shanghai on Dec 18.

This is the first exhibition pavilion to be launched in the FTZ following the 2nd China International Import Expo. Woodcarving works, sandalwood oil products, and other featured products from Timor Leste are being exhibited at the pavilion.

The pavilion was built in a national commodity exhibition center which covers an area of nearly 2,000 square meters. It aims to help small and medium sized countries showcase their cultures and local products, attract investment and introduce commercial projects.

Timor Leste, a country in Southeast Asia, comprises the eastern half of Timor Island. It is famous for its coffee industry, especially civet coffee.

Civet coffee is a unique kind of coffee known for its alluring scent. It is made from coffee cherries partially digested and defecated by the Asian palm civets and is popular among coffee drinkers throughout the world.