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Delegation visits Lujiazui and Zhangjiang to inspect resumption of operations

Updated: 2020-03-09

A delegation from the government of Pudong New Area visited Lujiazui and Zhangjiang in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on March 5 to study the area's operation resumption procedures and learn what measures companies have taken to aid in the prevention and control of the coronavirus.

The delegation, led by Weng Zuliang, Party secretary of Pudong New Area, visited six companies in Lujiazui and Zhangjiang.

During the inspection, Weng stressed that companies should not loosen prevention and control measures, otherwise the virus may begin spreading again. He also urged government departments to provide better services for companies amid the outbreak.

During the delegation's stay at Ford China in Lujiazui, an executive of the company told the delegation that since the outbreak, the company has helped produce more than 3,500 negative pressure ambulances and delivered them to the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals.

Weng thanked Ford China for its contributions to the prevention and control of the virus and its efforts to be socially responsible.

At the Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co Ltd, Weng praised the measures the company has taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus and urged the company not to loosen its prevention and control measures.

During the delegation's visit to Porsche China, Weng promised to help when he learned of the challenges facing the company.

He also hoped that companies would notice the opportunities presented by the current crisis.

On March 5, the delegation visited the Zhangjiang Science City and learned about the growth needs of companies.

Representatives from Huaqin Telecom Technology Co Ltd were present at the meeting. Weng told them to focus on high-added-value research fields involving advanced technology and encouraged them to develop products that are more competitive.

He also expressed hope that the company would continue to develop in Pudong New Area and improve its industrial chain.

Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co Ltd's Zhangjiang factory has now resumed basic operations, and representatives of the company revealed that they planned to step up investment.

The delegation also visited Baidu's Zhangjiang Science City branch. Weng praised Baidu's efforts to help prevent and control the virus by releasing information about the epidemic in an accurate and timely manner.