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Shanghai's first 5G talent base unveiled in Jinqiao

Updated: 2020-09-25


The unveiling ceremony for Shanghai's first 5G talent base takes place in Pudong's Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Sept 15. [Photo/WeChat account: pdnews]

Pudong, Shanghai plans to strengthen efforts to cultivate more high-level 5G talent, according to a statement at the unveiling ceremony for a 5G talent base held in Pudong's Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Sept 15.

The base, the first of its kind in Shanghai, is expected to promote the integrated development of industry and education and bring more professionals into its talent pool.

Jinqiao is currently home to about 50,000 5G talents, and the base is expected to help Jinqiao establish a professional platform to foster 5G professionals in an effort to promote the development of core industries related to 5G, such as Future Cars, intelligent manufacturing, and data harbor.

The base, which is equipped with 5G technology, will have three branches in Jinqiao, which will enhance coordination among enterprises in the zone and offer vocational training services. In addition, the 5G base is expected to cooperate with colleges and universities to foster innovative 5G talent.

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