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Shanghai eyes glory as shipping hub

China Daily Updated: 2021-07-13

Shanghai Port has been the world's busiest container port in terms of container throughput for 11 consecutive years. The fourth phase of Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port is currently the world's biggest automated container terminal with an annual capacity of 5 million TEUs by the end of 2020, according to Zhang Xin, vice-president of Shanghai International Port Group.

"During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will look to maintain the fourth phase of the Yangshan Port project's leading position in its scale, efficiency and technology. The goal is to accomplish handling of 30 million TEUs of containers at the automated terminal in the coming five years, and expand its annual capacity to 7 million TEUs," said Zhang.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the Shanghai Airport Authority will focus on increasing its ground facilities as well as enhancing the capabilities to support large passenger volumes.

"We are going to build world-class facilities like an aviation hub, including the fourth phase expansion project of Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the construction of an intelligent new cargo station, and other comprehensive facilities," said Zhou Junlong, vice-president of the Shanghai Airport Authority.

An important part of the fourth phase expansion of Shanghai Pudong International Airport is the construction of a 1.19 million-square-meter Terminal 3, which is designed to handle 50 million passenger trips per year.

As of 2019, there were more than 100 aviation firms operating at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport. They connect 314 destinations in 50 nations.

The two airports handled 120 million passengers trips and 4.058 million tons of cargo each year, ranking fourth and third respectively among global cities.

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