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​Pudong draws up five-year plan for manufacturing industry Updated: 2021-09-03

Pudong New Area in East China's Shanghai recently unveiled its action plan for the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period.

According to the plan, the area's industrial value added is expected to account for over 20 percent of the GDP by the end of 2025, while the output of strategic emerging industries, such as new materials and large cruise ships, is expected to make up more than 45 percent of its total.

A number of key sectors such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, new energy vehicles, robots, aviation and aerospace are expected to double in size.

By the end of 2025, the fixed asset investment in the manufacturing industry will reach 72 billion yuan ($11.15 billion), and more than 20 competitive industrial parks will be established in the area.

The action plan also focuses on technological innovation. For example, Pudong is aiming to add more than 2,000 high-tech companies every year and have 250 sci-tech public service platforms above municipal level. The average number of high-value invention patents owned by every 10,000 people is expected to surpass 50.

In addition, more efforts will be channeled to improving the quality and efficiency of the area's three pillar industries - electronic information manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing.