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Guidance items offer path for city's future growth

China Daily Updated: 2021-11-05

For enterprises keen to discover Shanghai's investment opportunities during and after the fourth China International Import Expo, the 2021 Investment Map and the Navigation of Shanghai's Foreign Investment Landscape are two guidance items worth glancing at.

The map, released by the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board last month, features 55 investment routes, covering eight sectors including financial services, new consumption trends, equipment manufacturing, culture and creation, and artificial intelligence. The routes are scattered across 16 administrative districts of Shanghai, as well as the Lingang Special Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District, according to Xue Feng, director of the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board.

It is the first time the city has launched the Navigation of Shanghai's Foreign Investment Landscape, which highlights its popular investment areas and opportunities, destinations of headquarters and research and development centers of multinationals. The landscape navigation also highlights the infrastructure and overall investment environment. Investment projects, open to global investors, are sorted based on their functions such as industrial parks, innovation spaces and office buildings. A total of 599 projects are included in the navigation, of which 237 have detailed information including total area, price and industrial development information.

Xue said that different from an ordinary industrial map, the navigation focuses on the city's regulations on foreign investment, and displays comprehensive information on foreign investment promotion, investment protection, investment management and services. It also includes supporting information which can facilitate global investors' evaluation of Shanghai's overall environment for living, working, shopping and traveling.