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Shanghai launches online program to help restore business Updated: 2022-05-24

The city of Shanghai in East China is moving online in a bid to further assist its trade, commerce and manufacturing sectors to get things back to business.

The China (Shanghai) International Trade Single Window platform recently launched a "Single Window Assistant" WeChat mini program, to promote the resumption of work and production of trading companies and support small and medium-sized enterprises.

The mini program provides a wide range of Shanghai port and production resumption services – such as the latest about the resumption of work and production in related industries, an enterprise's current trading status, port business handling status inquiries and finance and insurance, among other things.

After logging in to the mini program, enterprises can search for national, municipal and related industries' enterprise-assistance policies, notices and announcements, as well as a whitelist of enterprises that have started operations.

It makes it convenient for the enterprises to locate the related upstream and downstream enterprises that have restarted operations and do business with them.

Through the program, enterprises can also check out the financial inclusion service initiatives of various financial institutions. 

In addition, the mini program can help enterprises dynamically track the status of port trading, logistics and other links.