
Torch relay, preparations underway for national special games


Updated: 2019-08-09


A press conference on the torch relay event for the upcoming 10th National Games of Disabled Persons and the 7th Special Olympics was held on Aug 8 in Tianjin. [Photo/] 

The torch relay for the 10th National Games of Disabled Persons and the seventh Special Olympics will be held from Aug 18 to 25 in this coastal city.

A total of 122 male torch bearers and 48 female torch bearers will take part in the event.

They range in age from 17 to 65, including five from ethnic groups. Among them are 87 disabled persons, according to Shi Chunlin, director of the twin events' Large Event Department, due to be held concurrently from Aug 25 to Sept 1 in Tianjin.

In a bid to enhance participation at the event from the younger generation, in recent months the city held a round of selections among youth aged from eight to 15 to escort the torch bearers.

About 200 out of some 20,000 young people were selected to for the event.

On Friday, Tianjin announced it will begin using the so-called Rongchang app system that disabled persons can use to check non-barrier facilities in public areas. The mobile app identifies such facilities and provides route navigation to these places in public areas.

Lei Yingjun, Party chief of the Tianjin Disabled Persons' Federation and vice-secretary-general of the organizing committee of the upcoming twin events, said at the app service's inauguration ceremony that Tianjin has upgraded a number of local service facilities to support the sports events.

For example, 500 new buses equipped with features for the disabled have been procured by the government, and subway and bus drivers and service providers have learned sign language to help people in need.

Beginning this month, the Tianjin Metro App also offers facial recognition for local disabled persons. They can take obtain subway service free of charge after they register online.

This year's twin events will include 43 sports categories, of which 33 will be held in Tianjin.

The remaining winter games events will be held in North China's Hebei and Northeast China's Heilongjiang provinces.

A total of 35 delegate groups will take part in the upcoming events, including up to 22,800 participants.

Among them, 6,000 athletes will come to Tianjin.

Visitors and organizing committee staff members will number 9,300 and volunteers 7,500.

All of the numbers will hit historical highs, accroding to Lei.

The National Games of Disabled Persons are held every four years.

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