Tianjin Updates

Ninghe to improve local legal services


Updated: 2022-12-07

The Justice Bureau of Ninghe district has been promoting the law popularization plan as the main line, in a bid to provide diversified legal public services for the people.


In the legal public service center of Ninghe district, staff introduce the process of legal aid to people in need [Photo/WeChat account: ningherongmei]

"We have been giving full play to the role of legal aid in improving people's livelihoods, promoting judicial justice, maintaining social stability, and striving to provide high-quality and efficient public legal services for the people"  said Dong Kai, head of the legal public service center of Ninghe district.

In order to better expand the coverage of law popularization, the Justice Bureau of Ninghe district has also innovated different methods for law popularization. In addition to inviting prosecutors and lawyers to deliver lectures on the rule of law offline, the bureau has also applied online live broadcasts to give lectures, so that teachers and students of primary and secondary schools, and community cadres in the region can participate in the  lectures.

So far this year, the Justice Bureau of Ninghe district has carried out more than 300 activities to introduce laws and related policies to residents, with more than 80,000 people having participated.

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