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Tianjin's Baodi steps up investment attraction efforts


Updated: 2023-02-14

This year, Baodi, a district of North China's Tianjin, has focused its investment attraction on the green, newly emergent and high-tech sectors with huge investment potential.  Key areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta are viewed as having promising market prospect.

The district is set to attract over 10 new projects worth an estimated 100 million yuan ($14.67 million) and over 100 new projects worth individually 10 million yuan in 2023. The actual domestic investment is seen to reach over 20 billion yuan in total.

All industrial parks in Baodi are poised to secure the investment of large and good projects. For instance, Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, a high-tech incubator, has held talks with over 50 enterprises and selected about 40 companies as key candidates in attracting investments. They are involved in the manufacturing of auto components, biomedicine, medical devices, semi-conductors, aerospace and new materials.

Baodi Economic Development Zone, which is aimed at becoming a national-level economic and technological development area, has reached eight tentative deals with total investment of two billion yuan. It is also planning to sign 10 cooperative agreements worth one billion yuan in total.

Meanwhile, Baodi Railway Station Zone has intensified its investment campaign in headquarters economy, sci-tech incubation, business and commerce, and fully leveraged the strength of railway line to boost its development.

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