Tianjin Updates

Tianjin from the Grand Canal


Updated: 2023-10-19

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal holds significant historical, economic, and cultural importance in China, having served as a conduit for art, literature, and ideas to flow between different regions. It remains a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the world to explore its rich history and cultural heritage.

The Tianjin section of the canal has also shaped the metropolis’s history and modern development. A tour group recently explored the representative cultural spots along the Tianjin section of the Grand Canal to unveil its cultural heritage.


Their first stop was the Beicang Primary School Canal Township Exhibition Hall - a museum that records the historical evolution of the Northern Grand Canal which connects the Yellow River in the north to the Yangtze River in the south.

The entire area of the exhibition hall is divided into 31 sections based on historical events and figures, systematically and comprehensively introducing the historical changes of the north canal through graphics and physical objects.


Along the canal they came to the second stop at the Santiaoshi History Museum. This is a specialized local museum that focuses on the history and development of the regional ethnic foundry and machinery manufacturing industry.

 The exhibition summarizes the rise and characteristics of the iron industry workshops in the Santiaoshi area through more than 2,900 physical objects. The former site of the Fuju Xing Machine Factory in the area is the only historical site left in the country that has witnessed the development and changes of the modern national machine industry.


The last stop was the scenic spot of Yangliuqing Ancient Town, a national 5A scenic spot, and its folk culture museum.

The folk culture museum with an exhibition area of 4,100 square meters showcases 1,000 collections. They reflect the historical and cultural characteristics of Yangliuqing, combined with historical development and essence of traditional Chinese culture.

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