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Chinese ambassador meets head of Portugal Luban Workshop


Updated: 2024-04-09


Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Zhao Bentang meets with Angela Lemos, president of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal on April 3, 2024. [Photo provided to tianjin.chinadaily.com.cn]

Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Zhao Bentang engaged in discussions with Angela Lemos, president of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, and her accompanying delegation on April 3. Their meeting centered on the advancement of the Luban Workshop in Portugal.

Zhao emphasized that the Luban Workshop, a collaborative endeavor between Portugal's Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and the Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity in China, exemplifies the deep bond between the nations through the integration of industry, education and research.

He described it as a "bridge connecting hearts", marking significant progress in educational cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative. The Embassy in Portugal pledges ongoing support for fostering mutual learning between Chinese and Portuguese colleges, fostering exchange platforms and strengthening the bonds between the two countries' peoples.


Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Zhao Bentang meets with Angela Lemos, president of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, and her accompanying delegation on April 3, 2024. [Photo provided to tianjin.chinadaily.com.cn]

Lemos provided insights into the development of the Luban Workshop in Portugal, highlighting it as the institute's most successful and esteemed collaborative project. She expressed intentions to further expand exchanges with additional Chinese institutions and establish more Chinese projects, aiming to bolster the relations between China and Portugal.

The Portugal Luban Workshop, which was built by Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity, was launched in the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, on Dec 6, 2018.

The workshop, covering an area of 650 square meters, is equipped with world-leading machinery and equipment that includes the competence source innovation curriculum kit, modern electrical control systems, automatic production line installation and debugging equipment, industrial robots and intelligent vision systems, and drug filling production lines.


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