Tianjin Updates

China Maritime Day 2024 launched in Tianjin’s Binhai New Area


Updated: 2024-07-15

China launched a week of events in Tianjin to celebrate its 20th Maritime Day on July 11. 

With the theme of Intelligent Navigation, Unimpeded Future, the week of events and the 2024 China Maritime Day Forum were centered on Binhai New Area in Tianjin. More than 300 representatives from home and abroad participated in the forum.

The China Shipping Report for 2023 and China's Smart Port Achievements were released at the forum, with the results indicating that the country’s ports have entered a new era of automated development.

The application of new technologies such as digitalization and intelligence throughout the entire industry of shipbuilding and operation should be vigorously promoted.

As the main force of China's infrastructure construction, China Communications Construction Company is striving to build a modern industry chain that is a global leader, intelligent and green, and safe and resilient.

Efforts should be made to deepen shipping science, technological  innovation and open cooperation. There should also be efforts made to engage in forward-looking research and scientific and technological projects, and accelerate the independent research and development and application of core software and hardware of new-generation automated terminals.

The industrial structure of the global shipping industry is accelerating its layout, and the only way to seek common ground is to innovate and cooperate sincerely.

Tianjin, as the largest port city in northern China, has a concentration of shipping service elements. Relying on the core strategic resources of Tianjin Port, Binhai New Area will strengthen the hard infrastructure and soft resource elements to build a green and intelligent port and contribute to the high-quality construction of marine economic demonstration zones.

In the future, China Ocean Shipping Company will focus on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei synergistic strategy and actively participate in the construction of the northern international shipping core area to achieve a win-win situation.


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