Tianjin Eco-City developer takes actions to support Earth Hour

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-03-28

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The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Company, master developer of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, launched a CSR activity on Saturday to mark Earth Hour 2022.

Echoing the theme "Shape Our Future", the company called on the public to share their moments with nature and win prizes.  

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Participants' posters [Photo provided to exploringtianjin.com]

Participants can take photos of "green friends" around them, such as plants, animals, environment protection and low carbon facilities and upload the photos with written comments. Then, their "customized posters" can be generated at the H5 page developed by the company. Participants were encouraged to share their posters in their WeChat moments.

The activity was aimed at raising public awareness of global climate change and its consequences as well as the loss of biodiversity.  It called on the public to practice sustainable lifestyles and together build a carbon-neutral future.


 SSTEC switches off non-essential lights. [Photo provided to exploringtianjin.com]

This online activity was launched on SSTEC's official WeChat page on March 17. It received enthusiastic support.

As the Eco-City's master developer and as a strong supporter of sustainable development, SSTEC has participated in the Earth Hour movement 11 times. To support the activity, it also switched off non-essential lights and electrical appliances in the Eco-Business Park from 20:30 to 21:30 on Saturday.

The company will continue to promote and practice green development, work with all parties to create a world with clean water, fresh air, and fertile land.