Tianjin legislature calls for promoting manufacturing sector

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-04-01

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The Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress has called for city-wide concerted efforts to make headway in the manufacturing sector and shape the city into a national advanced manufacturing base.

It called for comprehensive and thorough implementation of a new development philosophy, prioritize innovation, quality, efficiency, integration, environmental protection, and systematic progress. The city should deepen supply-side reform and prioritize intelligent manufacturing to help the sector develop in a high-end, intelligent, and environmentally friendly manner.

The government should strengthen its coordinating role and include manufacturing in its economic and social development guideline. An improved system for coordinating resources should be put in place to deal with the major challenges in the industry. Governmental departments concerning information and industry, reform and development, and finance need to fulfill their duties related to the manufacturing sector.

Governments at the city and district-level should take initiatives to promote the building of a modern industry system where emerging industries such as biomedical, new energy and new materials are being cultivated and expanded, traditional ones such as textiles are being upgraded, and advantageous industries including aerospace and automobiles are further strengthened.

According to the committee, measures are also needed to upgrade key industrial chains in information technology, integrated circuits, and biomedical.

The city will actively promote the coordinated industrial development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, optimize the regional industrial layout, and accelerate the flow of factors and sharing of resources. Financial support for the development of the manufacturing industry should be increased and the guiding role of relevant special financial funds such as intelligent manufacturing, technology-based enterprise development, energy conservation and emission reduction should be brought into full play.